- Lundbergs Fastigheter 15.6%
- Holmen 16.3%
- Hufvudstaden 8.4%
- Husqvarna Group 1.9%
- Industrivärden 22.8%
- Indutrade 18.9%
- Alleima 1.3%
- Handelsbanken 4.9%
- Sandvik 5.7%
- Skanska 3.5%
- Other Securities 0.7%
The listed holdings are measured at market value.
Lundbergs Fastigheter is recognized at calculated market value of the investment properties, deducted with net liabilities including deferred tax.
Equity holdings
Lundbergs invests in real estate and publicly traded companies. The portfolio of assets includes the wholly owned business Lundbergs Fastigheter, the subsidiaries Holmen and Hufvudstaden and the associated companies Husqvarna, Industrivärden and Indutrade. Lundbergs also has major shareholdings in Alleima, Handelsbanken, Sandvik and Skanska.
Direct and indirect real estate exposure accounts for approximately one quarter of our total assets. The remaining approximately three quarters relates to publicly traded companies outside the real estate sector. There is a favorable balance between the assets, which are characterized by high quality and low risk.